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Hannah Morris

Hannah Morris

Hannah Morris

Hannah was born on an army base in Germany and mostly raised in Colorado Springs by her American dad and Panamanian mom. She got her first job when she was 14-years-old, and aspired to be Judge Judy or a more sazóned version of Michelle Kwan when she grew up. But she hung up her skates after high school and went to the University of Denver–ironically, with the actual Michelle Kwan–to become like her other career idol, the fearless American journalist/CBS contributor, Lisa Ling.

After graduating with her bachelor’s degree in journalism and international studies with a minor in Spain 4,301 years ago, her career has followed a different path than Lisa’s. For one, she hasn’t been to North Korea or infiltrated a cult. And for two, her nerves don’t do cameras. Nevertheless, what they still have in common is a love for uncovering the extraordinary among every-day people and sharing their experiences with the world.

Hannah likes to support small-ish organizations that tackle big issues affecting mostly middle and working class families in her community. She feels fortunate to have the opportunity to inform and empower local decision-makers in her role as Communications Manager for the Colorado Fiscal Institute.