DENVER, CO – The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault applauds this week’s bipartisan passage of H.R. 1585 the Violence Against Women Re-authorization Act (VAWA) of 2019. Each time VAWA has been reauthorized, it has received strong bi-partisan support and strengthened protections for survivors. H.R. 1585 continues to move this work forward.
According to the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence & Allied Organizations, H.R. 1585 makes important investments in prevention, a priority identified not only by people who work with victims and survivors daily but also by the bipartisan Women’s Caucus. Providing resources to implement evidence-based prevention programming makes our communities safer and, ultimately, saves taxpayer money. It also safeguards important protections that ensure all victims and survivors have access to safety and justice and provides a mechanism to hold predators who prey on Native women accountable. Moreover, it provides law enforcement with new tools to protect their communities, offers protections for survivors in federal public, subsidized, and assisted housing, supports victims and survivors who need assistance rebuilding financially, addresses the needs of underserved communities, and improves the healthcare response to the four crimes.
Interviews available upon request
The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) provides leadership, advocacy, and support to address and prevent sexual violence.