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Champions for CCASA

Emily Tofte Nestaval CCASABoard Chair 2009-2013
Emily Tofte Nestaval
CCASABoard Chair

It seems that everywhere I turn this week, there are dramatic declarations for favorite football teams and their inevitable crowning as this year’s Champion. And so the metaphor begins. If CCASA were a football team, the starting lineup would surely be our amazing Staff and Board and the Board Chairperson would be my co-captain. CCASA’s Board meeting (read: season opener) this week began with a bitter sweet going-away celebration for our outgoing Chairperson and Co-Captain, Emily Tofte Nestaval, as her term with CCASA comes to an end. I’m sure most of you have seen or met Emily at one CCASA event or another, or maybe you’ve received a phone call from her thanking you for your latest donation to CCASA. Behind the scenes, though, Emily has spent the past 4 years (and a few months) being CCASA’s champion…quietly leading and building a foundation that has allowed us to succeed. And just like any good team member, Emily has worked to make sure that she leaves CCASA in good hands with a Board that is just as committed to our ongoing growth and success as she is.

CCASA Board of Directors-June 2013
CCASA Board of Directors-June 2013

People often ask how they can support CCASA and be part of the change we are working toward in Colorado. One of my first suggestions is to consider applying to be part of our Board of Directors. Too often the response I receive is doubt about having the qualifications to serve such an important role in the organization. And while I don’t want to downplay the skills and experience that each of our Board members bring to CCASA, it seems to me that the strength of our team isn’t as much in each person’s individual contributions as it is in what they are able to achieve together. While Emily leaves behind an impressive vacancy in the lineup, I am confident that our Board will continue to use each member’s talents to move CCASA forward.  And if you’ve ever thought about joining us, tryouts are always open – learn more here. We’d love to hear from you!

Champions for CCASAAnd on behalf of CCASA staff, board, members, and partners: Thank you, Emily, for choosing us as your team, and for being such an amazing Champion of CCASA for the past 4 years. You will be missed.

Erin Jemison, CCASA Executive Director

Full disclosure: While Erin Jemison has no personal experience with being a champion—other than #1 benchwarmer on her high school basketball team—she knows a good team when she sees one and feels lucky and proud to be part of CCASA’s.

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