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Will We Stand with Colorado’s Children Today and Pass Senate Bill 20?

A version of Erin’s Law to create age and developmentally appropriate school-based resources for children, parents and teachers in grades K-12 for child sexual abuse prevention, awareness, and intervention is being presented in the Colorado State Legislature.

19 states have already passed a stronger version of Erin’s Law. Will Colorado lag behind a national effort to protect children from the most prevalent crime and trauma to which they are likely to fall victim? Or will Colorado stand with Erin Merryn and stand with the children of Colorado to give all children the resources they need to fight this horrific problem?

Child sexual abuse costs the state of Colorado $21.5 BILLION dollars in long-term costs. The cost to the lives of victims of CSA is immeasurable.

Senate Bill 20 will help prevent abuse, protect children and help children and families heal. It should have been introduced and passed LONG AGO. It must be passed today.


 Jennifer Stith, Executive Director, WINGS Foundation Inc.

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