We know your email inbox is full and your social media feeds are packed. That’s why CCASA is introducing monthly “in cased you missed it” blogs. At the beginning of each month, you’ll be able to get a recap of what happened in the past month at CCASA.
In July, our Executive Director, Brie Franklin, spoke to Denver Channel 7 about the impact Bill Cosby’s release could have on the MeToo Movement. Survivors were also interviewed and shared their reaction to the news in addition to some of the coping skills helping them through this difficult time. We always appreciate the survivors brave enough to share their experiences with the hope others won’t have to go through the same struggles. The news story aired July 6th.
On July 9th, CCASA, along with Senator Jessie Danielson and Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet, held a press conference to celebrate the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Act (Senate Bill 88) being signed into law. Although Governor Polis signed the bill into law without a public ceremony, the event allowed survivors to celebrate after 30 years of trying to get this type of legislation passed. Check out our Instagram Highlights to hear some of the moving words survivors and legislators shared during the event.
The CCASA programs team was also very busy throughout July; the planning and executing of CCASA’s Annual Campus Meeting went off without a hitch thanks to our team of pros. Although the meeting was hosted in a virtual space, campus professionals were still able to build community and share ideas, resources, and challenges with their peers. Additionally, we learned about Title IX changes, what restorative justice can look like on college campuses, and how campus professionals can engage in self-care, plus much more. The event was held on July 14th.
As you may have seen on social media, CCASA has relaunched our You Have the Right campaign. Our goal is to make sure that survivors, their families, and professionals understand sexual assault reporting options in Colorado. As part of our relaunch, Brie spoke with KOAA News 5 southern Colorado about the importance of survivors feeling safe to report, on their own terms. The news story aired on July 20th and is available online.
On a national scale, we are thrilled that the VOCA Fix was passed, without the Toomey amendment. The bill passed the Senate unanimously and was signed into law on July 22nd. The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV) was instrumental in getting this policy passed and keeping organizations, like CCASA, informed on the progress of the bill through Congress. Check out their Twitter to keep up with NAESV and the policies they are championing in Washington D.C.