The Colorado legislative session has continued to build momentum as we move through the 2022 session. In March alone, CCASA’s Policy Director, Elizabeth Newman, provided testimony on a number of bills: HB22-1169 – Prohibit Sex Acts Without Consent; HB22-1240 – Mandatory Reporting; HB22-1279 – Reproductive Health Equity Act; and HB22-1288 – Safe Reporting Assault Suffered by Sex Workers.
CCASA’s Rural and Indigenous Program Manager, Gina Lopez, also provided testimony for SB22-150 – Office of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. Gina is part of a grassroots movement of Indigenous people working to end the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous people in Colorado. CCASA has been proud to assist the Colorado Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Task Force with SB22-150 and will continue to advocate for this bill as it moves through the legislature.
Registration for the Self-Guided Sexual Assault Advocate Training Institute (SAATI) opened in March! SAATI is designed to provide 26 of the 30 required for advocate privileges. This program is geared toward community and campus-based advocacy programs as well as law enforcement and district attorney’s victim assistance programs. Topics covered in the SAATI program include: sexual assault dynamics and effects; culturally responsive crisis intervention and advocacy; medical options, criminal justice options, and civil legal options. To register for self-guided SAATI, please contact Maria Mendez at
Now that we’re caught up on March, we’re ready to roll into April, also known as Sexual Assault Awareness Month! You can get involved in SAAM and Colorado Denim Day to take a stand against sexual violence. Learn more about Colorado Denim Day by visiting Colorado Denim Day and join CCASA in showing support for survivors this April!