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In the News (Sept. 21, 2013- Sept. 27, 2013)

A defendant was offered a $30,000 bribe to not testify against her accused rapist – even though the defense in this case is working under the argument that the defendant made up the rape. The defendant turned it down.

Parents who were found guilty of raping their adopted children are behind bars in Massachusetts.

image from: http://www.notinvisible.org/

The crew that made The Invisible War is now looking for survivors of campus sexual assault to speak up for their new documentary project. Learn more.

A police officer allegedly asked a teenage girl to strip to “prove” she was raped.

Sarah Mirk, from Bitch interviews Samantha Geimer about her new memoir, The Girl and being raped by Roman Polanski.

A response to the lawyer who suggested women get themselves sexually harassed.

That Montana teacher who raped his student, and was jailed last month, is already out.

A four-year-old rape-murder case has used DNA evidence to find a suspect. And, The New York

Daily News uses sexist writing to cover the case.

New Jersey joins the states that provide unpaid workplace leave to survivors of sexual or domestic violence.

Image from: amazon.com

1 thought on “In the News (Sept. 21, 2013- Sept. 27, 2013)”

  1. In 31 States rapists can seek custody of the children they father in rape. 31states.com facebook.com/31states

    Or PTSD from the rape can be used against a woman to deem her unfit as a parent and take away her existing children.

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