COVID-19 & Employer Resources

CARES Act Small Business Loans

Paycheck Protection Program (Emergency SBA 7(a) Loans) – Emergency loan program for nonprofits and for-profit entities to secure funds to pay staff and operating costs for two months, and secure full loan forgiveness under certain circumstances.

Employer COVID Resources

Considerations for serving sexual assault survivors: (via NCCASA)

  • Survivors may experience a heightened sense of anxiety during this time, agencies should be prepared for the potential of an increase in hotline calls. 
  • Survivors who are self-quarantined, whether by choice or requested, may experience heightened anxiety being confined in a space, particularly if the sexual assault occurred in their home.  Survivors may also be in a space where there is someone causing them harm and the hot line may be their only form of support. Individuals who answer the hot line should be prepared to help survivors manage symptoms and create emotional/physical safety plans. 
  • Due to the possibility of an increase in hotline calls and the supportive counseling skills hotline workers may need to employ, agency leadership should consider communicating with their hot line staff/volunteers about ways to safely debrief with their supervisors and hot line rotation among staff.  

More information from NCCASA – COVID19 Levels Guide

CCASA webinar – HR Considerations for COVID-19

Violence Free Colorado – COVID-19/Coronavirus Resources

National Network to End Domestic Violence Coronavirus Guidance for DV shelters 

National Network for Youth – Coronavirus Resources: Resources for Community-Based Service Providers

Colorado Nonprofit Association – COVID-19 Updates & Resources for Colorado Nonprofits

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Date Published: 2/12/2020)- Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Pandemic Preparedness In The Workplace And The Americans With Disabilities Act  

National Strategy Sessions on Sustaining Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic http://reachingvictims.org/

State DOL Info & Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

The Wage and Hour Division provides information on common issues employers and employees face when responding to COVID-19, and its effects on wages and hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).

FFCRA will help the United States combat and defeat COVID-19 by giving all American businesses with fewer than 500 employees funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members. The legislation will ensure that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat the virus while at the same time reimbursing businesses. More information: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic

COVID Resources & Guidance – IRS

Information and Resources on Coronavirus – CO Dept of Labor

COVID-19 Resources – Employer’s Council

Covid 19 scenarios and benefit implications – Alera Group

State & Federal Grantee Guidance

Grantee FAQs & Resources – DCJ, OVP

Office on Violence Against Women –

Resource Guide on COVID-19 
March 19 2020 Message from OVW Acting Director Rogers Regarding COVID-19 (vs.06) pdf
Grantee Staff Pay FAQ March 19 2020 pdf

Sample Emergency Closure/Paid Administrative Leave Policies

  • Emergency Closure: When the CCASA office is unexpectedly closed because of uncontrollable factors (i.e., blizzard, tornado, flood, pandemic health crisis), staff scheduled to work will be considered excused absence with paid administrative leave and will not be charged to an individual’s PTO. If the office is closed during an employee’s previously-scheduled PTO or holiday leave, the time off must still be charged to the employee’s PTO balance. Extended closure beyond 3 (three) work days is subject to review and alternate arrangements may be required in order for employees to continue receiving pay; employees will be given 24 (twenty-four) hours’ notice of any such required arrangements.
  • Paid Administrative Leave: In the event of an Act of God (ie tornado, flood, pandemic health crisis) IowaCASA may have to temporarily reduce or cease business activities. If this were to occur, staff may be placed on paid administrative leave.
  • Sample Emergency/Paid Leave: The Executive Director has the discretion to provide additional leave for staff (full and part time) in the event of an emergency or public health crisis. This leave would be in addition to any sick/personal leave and vacation leave accrued by the individual employee. Examples of the types of emergencies that may be covered include forest fires and corresponding evacuations, environmental emergencies (flood, tornado, etc.), emergency weather limitations, and pandemics/public health crises requiring social isolation. This leave will be granted to all staff in a fair and reasonable manner. (MCADSV)
  • Paid Administrative Leave: In certain special conditions such as a natural disaster, pandemic health crisis, fire, flood, or other environmental situation making it detrimental to the health and safety of employees to remain on site, it may be necessary for the office and/or facilities to close and some or all staff may be required to remain home. The Executive Director, or their designee, may determine to pay staff their usually salary, and continue benefits through the duration of the special circumstance. Paid Administrative Leave days are not accrued, will not be paid out upon termination of employment, and will not be carried over from year to year.  If the office is closed during an employee’s previously-scheduled sick or holiday leave, the time off must still be charged to the employee’s leave balance. The use of Paid Administrative Leave is at the discretion of the Executive Director, and will only be used under the provisions that the staff cannot complete their full work hours on-site or through the Flexible and Remote Working Policy. (NCESDV)
  • Emergencies such as severe weather, fires, flooding, severe winter weather, power failures, earthquakes, or national, state, or local emergencies can disrupt company operations. In extreme cases, these circumstances may require the closing of a work facility and staff to work remotely. When the MNCASA office is unexpectedly closed (i.e., emergency closure) because of uncontrollable factors time off for staff scheduled to work will be considered excused absence with pay and will not be charged from their balances of accrued paid time off. The Executive Director (or authorized representative) will declare that an emergency is in effect from either natural or human caused disasters by 6:30AM of that day.  This declaration could result in a late opening, no opening, or an early closing, working remotely, and will be communicated via all-staff email. Directors will notify their direct reports and interns via text message or phone call. Employees are responsible for maintaining current contact information on file with their supervisors and MNCASA. Employees will be individually responsible for communicating with any partners or external parties with which they have scheduled meetings, and should initiate out-of-office email and voicemail messages.

Sample Remote Work/Flexible Workplace Policies

  • Remote Work: Working remotely is permitted only in special circumstances with prior approval from the employee’s supervisor and for specified tasks or projects. With Executive Director approval, a specific job description may be designated as remote in order to attract or retain qualified staff; however, this designation may be removed at any time. Remote employees are expected to maintain regular work schedules to accommodate the needs of IowaCASA, and they shall report for duty in Des Moines when deemed appropriate by their supervisor.
  • Sample Emergency Closure/Remote work: At the discretion of the Executive Director, MCADSV employees may be required to work from home in the event of a public health crisis or emergency. Depending on the length of time working from home is required, employee’s may be reimbursed for their internet expense from home. This will be decided on a case by case basis. When required to work from home for an extended period, employee’s will be asked to sign a telecommuting agreement. They will be required to clearly record work and leave time, as well as, proactively communicate with supervisor and staff regarding their availability.
  • MCADSV Telecommuting Agreement – All Staff for COVID pandemic
  • CCASA Flexible Workplace Policy
  • NCESDV Flexible and Remote Working Policies
  • OAESV Telecommute Policy
  • MNCASA working remotely

Working Remotely for Nonprofits – Wild Apricot Blog

Remote Workplaces During a Public Health Crisis – NNEDV

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