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Colorado Reporting Options

— Three Options

Colorado Reporting Options

In Colorado, survivors of adult sexual assault have three reporting options. Please note that these reporting options do not apply for minors (C.R.S. 19-3-304) and at-risk elders (C.R.S. 18-6.5-108), due to other mandatory reporting obligations. For individuals who do not fall under these two statutes, the three distinct reporting options survivors have at the time of receiving medical care are detailed below.

Law Enforcement Report

When a victim chooses to obtain a medical forensic exam and chooses to participate in the criminal justice system at that time.


A victim chooses to obtain a medical forensic exam but at that time chooses to not participate in the criminal justice system. Evidence and information to law enforcement is released with victim identifying information. A medical reporting victim can choose to have evidence tested.


A victim chooses to obtain a medical forensic exam but at that time chooses to not participate in the criminal justice system. Evidence and information to law enforcement is released without victim identifying information. An anonymous reporting victim is consenting to evidence storage only.

— Find Resources —


For more information about reporting options and resources, visit YouHaveTheRightCo.org

— Know Your Rights

Colorado Reporting Options Brochure

Colorado Reporting Options Brochure

“Your Reporting Options” brochure has been updated to include the new anonymous reporting option, created by Senate Bill 15-128!

In 2015, CCASA hosted several webinars for Colorado’s first responders covering best practices for response for each of Colorado’s reporting options-law enforcement, medical, and anonymous. To watch a recording of the webinar, click here.

— Train-the-Trainer Modules

Colorado Reporting Options Training

Tools for Service Providers

The statewide Forensic Compliance Team, a collaboration between Division of Criminal Justice, CCASA, and other multidisciplinary stakeholders, has developed  tools for service providers.

Reporting Options: Quick Payment Facts

This brief document outlines the reporting options now available, and details the payment systems for each type of report.

The Colorado Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Protocol

This resource now includes information regarding all reporting options.

Sexual Assault Colorado Reporting Options: Guidelines for Response

This tool is designed for multidisciplinary teams (ie SART, MDT, CCR, etc.) to add to their existing protocols or guidelines for response to sexual assault. Because response to each type of victim is unique, these guidelines provide tools and support for ensuring best practice in the response to each type of report: law enforcement, medical, and anonymous.

Colorado’s Sexual Assault Consent & Information Form

This form will be placed in sexual assault forensic exam kits throughout the state.

Colorado’s Sexual Assault Anonymous Consent & Information Form

This form will be placed in sexual assault forensic exam kits throughout the state.

For Medical Providers: Reporting Options Flow Chart

This Reporting Options Flow Chart was developed by the CO SANE/SAFE Project to assist medical providers with understanding Colorado reporting options.