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Become a Member

— Help Eliminate Sexual Violence

Become a Member

It is easy and affordable to become a CCASA member, and the benefits of membership are countless. CCASA provides opportunities to build bridges between those who work directly with survivors and community allies in order to strengthen the collective voice for eliminating sexual violence in Colorado.

CCASA supports local organizations through:

Technical Assistance


Information & Referrals

Educational Materials


Public Policy Advocacy

Types of Membership

— Voting Membership

Sexual Assault Agency Membership

Qualified sexual assault agency members are any programs in Colorado that either provide direct services specific to sexual assault victims, or implement programming to prevent sexual assault; and agree with CCASA’s statement of purpose and commit to the statement of mission.

Agency memberships are designed for an agency, or an office/department within an agency, to provide access to CCASA’s resources and services for their staff, volunteers, and clients. In addition to the general member benefits, agency members may access bulk bundles (50 units) of CCASA publications for distribution to their clients. Agency member staff and volunteers may also attend CCASA events at low, or no, cost. Agency members can participate in voting on organizational matters. Agency members are also encouraged to participate in CCASA committees and ensure that their agencies have a voice on the state level. Membership dues are based on an agency’s annual operating budget.

Affiliate agency members shall consist of any agency in Colorado that agrees with CCASA’s statement of purpose and commit to the statement of mission but does not provide direct services specific to sexual assault victims or implement programming to prevent sexual assault.

Affiliate agency memberships are designed for an agency, or an office/department within an agency, to provide access to CCASA’s resources and services for their staff, volunteers, and clients. In addition to the general member benefits, agency members may access bulk bundles (50 units) of CCASA publications for distribution to their clients. Affiliate agency member staff and volunteers may also attend CCASA events at low, or no, cost. Affiliate agency members can participate in voting on organizational matters. Affiliate agency members are also encouraged to participate in CCASA committees and ensure that their agencies have a voice on the state level. Membership dues are based on an agency’s annual operating budget

— Voting Membership

Affiliate Agency Membership

— Voting Membership

Individual Voting Membership

Individual voting memberships are designed for interested individuals who want to access general member benefits, be involved with statewide efforts, and are involved enough with CCASA to vote on organizational matters. A limited number of CCASA publications are permitted to individual members at no cost. No or low-cost entrance to events is limited to individual members.

Individual voting memberships are not encouraged if you plan to access CCASA publications and events for, or on behalf of, your agency or clients. Individual voting members are also encouraged to participate in CCASA committees and have a voice on the state level. Membership dues are based on an individual’s annual income.

Individual supporting memberships are designed for community members and other interested individuals who want to be involved with statewide efforts and access general member benefits, but are not involved enough with CCASA to vote on organizational matters. A limited number of CCASA publications are permitted to individual members at no cost. No or low-cost entrance to events is limited to individual members.

Individual supporting memberships are not encouraged if you plan to access CCASA publications and events for, or on behalf of, your agency or clients. Individual supporting members are also encouraged to participate in CCASA committees and have a voice on the state level. Membership dues are a flat rate of $35 annually.

— Non-Voting Membership

Individual Supporting Membership

— Currently Enrolled Students

Student Supporting Membership

Student supporting memberships are designed for currently enrolled students with a valid student ID from a high school, college, university, community college or trade school. Student members will receive CCASA communications including policy updates and advocacy resources and no, or low, cost registration at CCASA trainings and events. Student supporting members are also encouraged to participate in CCASA committees and have a voice on the state level. Students who want to have voting rights should apply for an individual voting membership. Membership dues are a flat rate of $25 annually.

— Our Fees —

Membership Dues

While we recognize equity and access problems inherent in a pay-for-membership structure, membership dues are a critical component of CCASA’s budget, without which we wouldn’t be able to advocate for systemic and policy change.

CCASA’s new membership dues structure allows you to choose the dues that work for you based on financial capacity and the value that CCASA brings to you. The suggested amounts are based on your budget, or your program/department budget if you are part of a larger entity.

Consider this level if you are:

> a grassroots organization with a budget of less than $50,000
> an individual who wants to be part of a grassroots movement to support survivors and foster healthy, respectful, consensual interactions




Consider this level if you are:

> a small community-based organization with a budget of $50,000 to $249,999
> a culturally specific organization that primarily works with marginalized and underserved communities
> an individual with the means to support CCASA’s work on behalf of survivors




Consider this level if you are:

> a small organization with a budget of $250,000 to $499,999
> an individual with the means to sponsor others to be part of a community of change




Consider this level if you are:

> a mid-size organization with a budget of $500,000 to $749,999
> an individual with the means to support work to address the root causes of sexual violence




Consider this level if you are:

> a mid-size organization with a budget of $750,000 to $999,999
> an individual with the means to the means to help build a community committed to safety, justice, and healing




Consider this level if you are:

> a government agency, university, or large nonprofit with a budget of $1 million or more
> an individual with the means to advocate for deep, systemic change




Consider this level if you are:

> an agency/organization or individual with the means to invest in sustained, cultural change across our state




Individual Supporting (Non-Voting)



Student Supporting (Non-Voting)



— How We Help —

Focus Areas of Membership Services

— Collaborate

Community Building & Networking

CCASA hosts regional meetings, monthly webinars, local and web-based meetings upon request, networking events, an annual statewide meeting, and other opportunities for members and allies to come together. These events are available to members at no, or low, cost and provide the opportunity to collaborate, share resources, and learn strategies for ending sexual violence in Colorado.

— Educate


CCASA provides training, education, and technical support on a variety of topics to members at no, or low, cost. We design new trainings on an ongoing basis in order to meet members’ needs. We also offer web-based training opportunities that allow us to work closely with other organizations in Colorado, as well as statewide coalitions in other states, and bring their expertise to our members.

— Advocate

Public Policy

CCASA advocates for and against certain public policy issues that affect survivors of sexual assault on both the state and national level. Coalition representatives provide testimony and educate lawmakers on issues involving sexual violence in Colorado. Members are encouraged to participate in CCASA’s Public Policy Committee in order to discuss and prioritize current sexual assault policy issues.

— Communicate


CCASA members receive a limited number of free copies of CCASA publications, many of which are available in both English and Spanish. Members are also encouraged to submit their organization’s news, events, job openings, and updates to be included on our website listings.

— Join Now —

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