As always, CCASA has a presence at the State Capitol. As the 2022 Legislative Session gathered steam this month, CCASA’s Policy Director, Elizabeth Newman, along with our policy committee, have stayed up-to-date with the latest legislation being introduced, passed, or voted down. CCASA has also been registering positions and monitoring amendments on legislation that might affect our work to prevent and end sexual assault in Colorado. If you have any questions about CCASA’s policy positions or our legislative priorities, click here or email Elizabeth at
Of the nearly 400 bills already introduced to the General Assembly this year, CCASA is currently (as of 2/28/2022) supporting five. While we wait for some of this legislation to be placed on the General Assembly calendar, we are using our voice, the collective voice of sexual assault service providers in Colorado, to advocate for legislation that could make our state safer. Elizabeth, CCASA’s policy director, testified in support of HB22-1169: Prohibit Sexual Act Without Consent, and HB22-1131: Reducing Youth Justice Involvement. To stay updated on the bills CCASA testifies on, follow us on Twitter @CCASAColorado where we live tweet relevant bill hearings.
On February 17, Maria Mendez (Strengthening Sexual Assault Services Project Director) and Agueda Morgan (Associate Director) joined forces and provided a training for the Parent Engagement Network (PEN) on day one of their conference. The session was called “Setting the Stage for Difficult Conversations” which fit into the conferences theme of teaching parents how to engage with youth on difficult subjects like sexual violence, drugs and alcohol, Title IX, and healthy relationships. Our programs team is always on the cutting edge of training modalities and the issues facing both community members and sexual assault service providers. Check out our website to find webinars that interest you and your organization. Or, reach out to the CCASA programs team to request a specific training for your organization or community group.
This February, CCASA spent some time preparing for Colorado Denim Day, which will be April 27. Our team has planned social media content, awareness campaigns, and ways to outreach throughout the state. As we get ready for Colorado Denim Day 2022, we hope you’ll get ready with us! Start by organizing your Denim Day team, following CCASA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn; and spreading the word about sexual assault awareness and prevention. Keep an eye out for more information about Denim Day!