Life in the Shadows: Stories of domestic violence and sexual assault on undocumented immigrant women May 11, 2016 Crimes against undocumented immigrants are vastly underreported, and shame surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault compounds this silence. “The vast majority of people don’t call… READ MORE
CSU-Pueblo Student Sues After Suspension Over ‘Consensual Sex’ April 20, 2016 Brie Akins of the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault said she would not discuss the specifics of the Neal case but told CBS4 victims of… READ MORE
Teen sexting bill aimed at downgrading crime fails in House committee April 6, 2016 "Just the fact that a victim may believe that the potential exists that they themselves may be prosecuted, that's going to have a chilling effect… READ MORE
What’s behind the pushback against Colorado’s teen sexting bill March 31, 2016 Raana Simmons, policy director at the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, says the bill fails, nonetheless, to protect victims from prosecution. The fear is that… READ MORE
Bill Making Sexting A Misdemeanor Has Strong Opposition March 10, 2016 Akins worries if sexting is a felony crime, victims won’t report it if the photo they sent is shared without their permission. “My main concern… READ MORE
Alleged Bill Cosby Victims Support Rhonda Fields In Change To Statute Of Limitations September 17, 2015 Brie Akins, the executive director of the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault insists those fears are unfounded. “The reality is if the evidence isn’t there,… READ MORE
Broader view needed to quantify rape in Colorado Springs February 12, 2015 "Sometimes you are comparing apples and oranges," said Brie Akins, executive director of the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault. "Those numbers are not really reflective… READ MORE