Colorado aims to ban intimate medical exams on unconscious, non-consenting patients February 3, 2023 “In any other situation this would be sexual assault,” said Medha Gudavalli, a medical student and member of the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, testifying… READ MORE
Some Colorado Native Leaders disappointed with hiring of Arron Julian for director of new office of missing, murdered indigenous relatives December 2, 2022 Gina Lopez, the rural and indigenous program manager at the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault also helped with founding and passing the bill. "This is… READ MORE
The fight for change continues 5 years after the ‘Me Too’ movement began December 1, 2022 "As we hear more about sexual assault, it does reduce the stigma, but it can also be heartbreaking because survivors say, 'I know I'm not… READ MORE
Indigenous women face murder rates at 10 times the national average November 21, 2022 “What does missing and murdered mean to you?” The question was posed at the beginning of Tuesday’s symposium at Fort Lewis College by head speaker… READ MORE
Colorado Artists and Activists Unite to Advocate for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People October 7, 2022 United with graphic designer Raven Payment (Ojibwe and Kanienkehaka), a US Navy veteran and descendant of four generations of survivors of Indian Boarding Schools, Colorado Coalition Against Sexual… READ MORE
Law groups are united that judicial discipline process needs greater transparency August 12, 2022 Elizabeth Newman, the public policy director at the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, said the judicial system has a "significant power disparity." "There should not… READ MORE
BRIEF: Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault Reflects on Victories and the Future July 20, 2022 “Right now we are really developing our policy agenda going forward,” said Brandi Dye, a spokesperson for CCASA. “We’ve been lucky in the past year… READ MORE
Colorado New Laws to Make Communities Safer May 23, 2022 “Thank you to the legislators, experts, and survivors who supported SB22-183. This funding will allow programs, that sexual assault survivors desperately need, to keep their… READ MORE
Legislation supports sex assault victims April 19, 2022 By Brie Franklin Colorado, we need to talk about sex. Specifically, how we support survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Because regardless of what he… READ MORE
As Sexual Assault Reports Rise, Colorado Organizations Struggle To Meet Survivors’ Needs April 14, 2022 The Boulder program, like many others in Colorado, can only afford to hire one prevention coordinator. While Victims of Crime Act and Violence Against Women… READ MORE
Bill advances to provide more STI preventing drugs for sexual assault victims April 12, 2022 The House Public and Behavioral Health Committee unanimously approved the bill Tuesday, sending it to the full House for consideration. Other bills regarding sexual assault… READ MORE
Sexual assault survivor programs risk losing funding April 7, 2022 Sexual assault survivor programs across Colorado are at risk of losing millions of dollars in funding. According to the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the… READ MORE