August 30, 2018
Contact: Jolene Cardenas,
Director of Communications and Development
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA)
Direct Line: 720.330.8922
DENVER – Yesterday, August 29, 2018, the New York Times published an article revealing contents of the much anticipated Title IX guidelines addressing sexual misconduct on college campuses. These new guidelines will include policies that would reduce liability for institutions of higher education, impose a restrictive definition of sexual harassment, and ultimately limit all students’ access to education. While CCASA is disappointed by this new and unexpected information, we are motivated by this as an organizational resource. The actual rule has not yet been released and is expected in September. This provides us time to participate in the “Notice and Comment” period of the Title IX rule-making process.
Our collective engagement in this process allows the public to provide feedback on new legal requirements for schools. Regulations are legally binding and the US Department of Education is required to respond to input provided through the Notice and Comment process. Because courts can strike down regulations that are insufficiently responsive to public input, writing a detailed comment is an important way for students and advocates to influence the Department of Education’s decision-making.
A recent statement by the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence Policy Director Terri Poore reaffirms the dedication, “The Administration’s rescission of important Title IX guidance last year was deeply troubling, and we urge the Department of Education to refrain from issuing any additional policy in this vein. However, if the Department moves forward, the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, state coalitions, rape crisis centers, advocates, and activists across the country stand ready, in solidarity with survivors, to fight any proposed policy that rolls back rights for survivors and encourages institutions to put their heads in the sand.”
We recognize the burden survivors may presently be carrying as a result of the national discourse. No one should have to carry this burden alone. There are survivors, students, parents, professors, advocates and policy-makers in every corner of this country who are all dedicated to supporting campus safety and who will work tirelessly to prevent the US Dept of Education from turning back the clock on students’ civil rights.